How To Go Veg-Head in 2 Minutes…

By sharing these facts with you, or you sharing these facts with someone else, eyes will be opened to the vile ways of factory farming…

Factory farming is the leading cause of:

  • Deforestation
  • Ocean Dead Zones
  • Species Extinction
  • Water Depletion
  • Global Warming

260,000,000 acres of natural forests have been destroyed for factory farming purposes. Between watering the plants to feed the animals, giving the animals water, etc, it takes an average 2,400 gallons of to produce 1 lb. of meat.

Not eating a pound of meat saves more water than not showering for six months. HALF of the water in the U.S. is used for agricultural farming.

80% of ammonia emissions in the U.S come from animal waste. Ammonia can ruin aquatic ecosystems, ruin soil quality, ruin crops and put human health at risk. So basically, when the bully from middle school told you to eat s***, you did exactly what they told you to do. Jokes 😉 But still, disgusting. 

If we continue our ways, in just 100 short years, there will be no more forests in the United States.

Annually, well over 56,000,000,000 (yes, you read that right, 56 BILLION) animals are killed. Humans would be extinct faster than you could say “save the animals” if we killed each other at this rate!!!!! 

ALL WITHOUT ANESTHETICS – these cruel acts are performed on farm animals

  • Debeaking of birds
  • Extraction of piglet teeth
  • Docking of piglet tails
  • Neutering of male piglets
  • Removal by burning of cow’s horns

AS A MATTER OF FACT – HIGH SCHOOL FFA STUDENTS NEUTER THEIR FARM ANIMALS WITH NO ANESTHETICS! We are teaching impressionable kids that this is okay! It is sociopathic.


  • Stabbing
  • Beating
  • Kicking
  • Punching
  • Lifting animals with pitchforks
  • Hurling them into the air
  • Countless other abuses…

The only farmer to ever be tried for his abuses was Shawn Lyons. The only reason he was caught is because a researcher set up cameras without him knowing so he would be able to show proof in court.

Shawn Lyons. He was caught –

  • Preforming acts of beastiality
  • Encouraged colleagues to abuse
  • Slammed baby piglets on the ground, killing them
  • Pulling on pigs ears so hard they would rip

Who’s to say there aren’t countless other farmers doing the same exact thing behind walls?

If you take a look at human canines and the canine teeth of a lion, one can easily come to a conclusions that there is a size difference, a power difference and a significant difference in what they can tear through. Humans were not designed to eat meat. We can find fully sufficient protein in foods that are not steak, not dairy, not eggs. Broccoli has more protein per serving size than a 6 oz. steak.




Image result for baby farm animals
Photo from: TakePart
Related image
Photo from: Video Hive

I am sorry about the hiatus. I am back, free from writer’s block! We will talk soon.

Subscribe and be notified when Plate of Compassion posts next….. 

Go save an animal!

Brookie Teagan

Cruelty-Free Beauty!

How to have cruelty free beauty:

Sephora and Ulta are two extremely popular cosmetic retailers in the United States. Together, these two stores hold well over 200 beauty brands!

If you’re ever wondering if a product is cruelty free, check for these stamps, they can usually be found on the packaging or the product itself:

Image result for cruelty free logo
From: Cruelty Free Kitty

The following are cruelty free, meaning their products are NOT tested on animals, but may contain non-vegan products.

Image result for urban decay logo
Urban Decay
Image result for hourglass cosmetics logo
Hourglass Cosmetics
Image result for kat von d logo
Kat Von D

Image result for anastasia beverly hills logo


Image result for tarte logo
tarte Cosmetics
Image result for milk makeup
Milk Makeup
Image result for too faced
Too Faced Cosmetics
Image result for illamasqua logo
Illamasqua Cosmetics
Image result for marc jacobs logo
Marc Jacobs

…countless other brands are cruelty free too, however, with these being some of the powerhouse companies for the industry, it is important to know they are cruelty free! Always be aware what you are putting your money in.

The following brands are VEGAN, which means they are cruelty free and contain no non-vegan products. Usually, vegan products end up being better for your skin because the substitutions that are used in the product tend to contain vitamins and essential oils!

Image result for cover fx logo
Cover FX


Image result for hourglass cosmetics logo
Hourglass Cosmetics
Image result for kat von d logo
Kat Von D

Many online retailers are cruelty free as well! Before you purchase makeup, be sure you research and you know what you are putting onto your skin. Living a cruelty free life is beautiful!

Though these products are more on the high end side, freedom is priceless. These brands also offer incredible products with beautiful assortments of colors and high pigmentation!

Thanks for stopping by, I hope you had a wonderful holiday. Talk to you soon!


Brookie Teagan

Don’t Be Fooled By “Free-Range” Labels…

While your compassionate intentions are highly commended when selecting the egg cartons labeled “Free-Range,” it is highly likely that the label is used to gain higher profit for the supplier/company by attempting to deceive and manipulate consumers into believing that the way of farming is humane.

The term “Free-Range” does not have any set definitions or requirements that allow the animals to be in a “Free-Range” environment. For example, a company is able to put “Free-Range” on their cartons if there is a single window in the coop that allows a minuscule amount of sunshine. This can also mean that the animals are allowed to freely move around outside, but there’s no telling how long that amount of time is. It could be once a week for twenty minutes. It could be one day out of the entire month, there’s just no telling.


Photo courtesy of: USDA. “USDA Helping Factory Farms Commit Food Fraud | Alternative.”Before It’s News | Alternative News | UFO | Beyond Science | True News| Prophecy News | People Powered News, USDA, 11 Dec. 2014,

Despite the extreme lack of moving space for the animals, and the extreme potential to be trampled and killed, the image above qualifies as a free-range industry.

Just because a company is “Free-Range” does not mean that the chickens, or other animals, are not subjected to inhumane practices. Some of those being beak cutting, painful steroid injections, starvation, etc. Beak cutting is a very common practice used in the farming industry. The beaks of birds are removed WITHOUT PAINKILLERS OR ANESTHETICS to ensure that in times of distress, the birds do not peck at each other and cause harm or potentially kill each other. These practices can occur, and commonly do occur on farms that are Certified Humane!

Not to mention, males that are born in these industries are grounded and shredded ALIVE in industrial machines. This happens to over 6,000,000,000 (yes, you read that right, six billion) males every year. This is approximately 16,666,666 a day. This is a gruesome, violent, inhumane tragedy that must be stopped.

Next time you are in the grocery store, do not be fooled by the false information given to you by companies who just want the green from your wallet! Rise up, spread awareness. Join the fight for compassion.


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Leave a comment or reach me via email, I’d love to speak with you.


Brookie O’Brien



“How to Decipher Egg Carton Labels.” The Humane Society of the United States, HSUS

Capps, Ashley. “12 Egg Facts the Industry Doesn’t Want You to Know.” Free From Harm, FFH



Dairy is Dangerous. Words From A Fellow Activist, Emily Michelle!


Happy Friday, Animal Lovers!

I would like to introduce a very special, dedicated, and inspiring activist, vegan and animal lover, Emily! Emily has had a vegan diet for the last 8 months, but had a vegetarian diet for 9 years! She graciously answered some questions regarding her diets, beliefs and actions that I am thrilled to share with you all today.

Firstly, we asked her why she chose to switch to a plant based lifestyle. She answered with this, “I am vegan because as a society, we have over-industrialized the meat and dairy industries, which harm our bodies… Personally my body doesn’t even accept dairy products because of how over-processed they are. In BOTH industries, animals are not treated as living creatures and are forced into cruel living conditions until their inevitable, abrupt and violent deaths.”

When you purchase a gallon of milk at the grocery store, not only are you purchasing a gallon of milk, but also a concoction of chemicals, antibiotics, artificial hormones, anti-inflammatory chemicals, pesticides, the list goes on and on. A recent study logged by explains a link between testicular cancer, prostate cancer, ovarian cancer, and breast cancer with the consumption of dairy prodcts. Individuals who consumed more than two servings of dairy a day had a 34% higher risk of developing certain types of cancer. IGF-1, with a form closely related to insulin is raised in the bloodstream when dairy products are consumed, which acts as a stimuli for cell growth, then causing forms of cancer. This article also reveals that individuals living in Asia, where soy, fruits and vegetables are much more commonly consumed over dairy products, breast cancer and other various forms of cancer are substantially less common than in the United States, where meals/products with dairy are the everyday norm.

An in-depth article on reveals that a pesticide called glyphosate that can be found in certain dairy products which have a plethora of devastating effects on the human body. A few being the following:

  • Increased toxin exposure
  • Systemic toxicity – which can lead to a significant overgrowth of pathogens.
  • Food-borne illness
  • Sulfate deficiency
  • Gut dysbiosis – leading to “leaky gut”
  • Creation of ammonia, which leads to brain inflammation, associating with Autism and Alzheimer’s Disease.

and so much more…

The second question we asked Emily was if she noticed any positive physical or mental changes after switching to a plant based/animal diet. Her answer was exciting, “After becoming vegetarian, I noticed I had a lot more energy and lost [some excess] baby fat. After becoming vegan, I found myself being sick way less frequently (a boosted immune system) and I am always in a better mood! My body overall just feels better.”

It is a universal fact that processed, fatty and modified (whether it be genetically or chemically) weakens the immune system. The natural vitamins and chemicals found in fruits and vegetables naturally strengthen the immune system. Scientists have found a direct link between the consumption of apples and the lesser likelihood of developing Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimer’s disease, and various forms of cancers. The COMPLETE opposite of dairy products! These examples are just grains of sand on a beach full of benefits! The benefits are endless!

The idea of giving up dairy may be incomprehensible to you. The thought of giving up cheese may make you cringe. Fun Fact: there is a protein fragment found in cheese called casomorphins that ACTUALLY makes cheese addictive! It’s time to break the addiction and make change! This post reveals a minuscule amount of devastating facts towards the body, but doesn’t even begin to touch on the abusive, inhumane treatment of animals in this industry.

Start by going one day a week without dairy. Pretty soon you will realize it is not as difficult as you thought, and before you know it, you’ll be on your way to a healthy plant-based, animal friendly diet! Let’s change the world!

Don’t forget to subscribe and be notified every time a new post is up! Thank you for stopping by! Go love an animal today!


Brookie Teagan


I would like to sincerely thank the scientists and writers who have made facts, research, and informative articles so obtainable!


Anonymous. “Ask the Expert: Dairy Products.” The Physicians Committee, Food For Life, 22 June 2015,

“A Glass of Milk Could Contain as Many as 20 Chemicals.”, Mercola, 26 July 2000,

“15 Health Benefits of Apples.” Best Health Magazine Canada, Best Health, 20 Oct. 2016,

Advocate For Compassion

Mashed potatoes and green beans aren’t the only thing that accompany your 16 oz. ribeye. Fear, trauma, despair, abuse and senseless murder are served hot and ready and unfortunately people all around the world are unable to taste it.

I’m sure, at least once, while on Facebook a disturbing form of media that displayed an innocent animal in a slaughterhouse waited for you on your feed. Within a few milliseconds of glancing upon this image, you hastily scrolled as fast as you could away from the horrifying picture. You probably then thought to yourself, ‘I need to unfriend whoever shared this. How dare they attempt to expose these gruesome images on social media?’ People are desensitized to the grilled chicken on their plate, but the second they see an image or a video showing them where their meal came from, it’s game over. I am here to encourage that disgusted part of you to take action. If it hurts to see the pictures, it should hurt to see on your plate. Once you are revealed to the tragic truth of factory farming, your carnivorous tendencies will be no more. Your animal friendly diet can be accomplished much easily and more deliciously than you think!

A quote from states, “Over 56 billion farmed animals are killed every year by humans. These shocking figures do not even include fish and other sea creatures whos deaths are so great they are only measured in tons.” If that fact makes you squirm, it’s time for a personal change.

Having had an animal friendly diet for the last two years, I can attest to the beauty and benefits of this lifestyle. My body has never felt so clean, my immune system has never been more strong, and it feels liberating to eat guilt free!

I hope you care to follow me and join me on this journey of compassion.


Brookie Teagan



Proverbs 12:10 – The righteous care for the needs of their animals.