The Importance of “Adopt, Don’t Shop.”

In the United States alone, there are approximately 5,000 kill shelters. In the United States alone, an average of 7,000,000 cats and dogs enter kill shelters every year. In the United States alone, well over half of the animals that enter these kill shelters will not live to find a home because they will be euthanized due to overpopulation.

In some shelters that practice euthanasia, the animals only have to be at the shelter for a under a week before they are put down. Many kill shelters have conditions that are unsuitable to make dogs and cats feel comfortable, protected and cared for. These animals need YOUR help.

When debating whether or not to save a life and adopt from a shelter, or adopt a purebred dog from a breeder, always keep in mind that the furry family you could have from the shelter has potential to be euthanized. He or she is waiting on you to save their life.

There are so many benefits of adopting an animal from a shelter.

  1. Usually dogs from shelters are 1/10 of the price of a dog from a breeder.
  2. In many cases, the dogs have already been housebroken/learned simple commands.
  3. The animals are potentially more social due to the amount of people and other animals they have been exposed to. This can also be the same with dogs bred by breeders.
  4. Scientifically, the animals feel a sense of gratitude towards you because you rescued them from a depressing situation and usually they are even more loyal and loving.
  5. There’s a beautiful mix of breeds at shelters, so there’s lots of variety. Not all the dogs are pit bulls! Break the stigma!
  6. Many ASPCA shelters have an opportunity for you to foster your potential best friend and see if they really are the perfect fit for you. Many times when you buy from a breeder, it’s a done deal once you hand over the money and you’re never certain what you’re getting yourself into.
  7. You get a feeling of satisfaction knowing you saved a life. You’re a real hero!

NOTICE: I would like to start creating posts showcasing precious rescue pets! If you want to have your very own, personalized, adorable blog post showing to the world how amazing your rescue friend is, send me an email with pictures of your pet (two or more is preferable), and answer these following questions!

  1. How did you know (your pet) was the one for you?
  2. What is your favorite thing about (your pet)?
  3. What do you have to say to anyone who is unsure about adopting?

Pictures can be sent to

I hope to hear from you!

I will start off this exciting new sequence of posts by showcasing my rescue baby, Dexter!

Dexter! Brindle Pit Bull Mix!

I knew Dexter was meant to be my forever friend because he would not stop following me around when I visited his adoption center. His soft ears and big brown puppy eyes were irresistible! My favorite thing about Dexter is how he ALWAYS greets me at the door with one of his toys. He also likes to sing! He usually howls when I turn on specific songs, or make certain “singing” noises. I classify his howling as singing, right?! He is so obedient, loyal, protective, cozy, patient and adorable. Whoever supports the stigma that Pit Bulls do not make good forever friends has obviously never owned one and has never been around them to observe their tender nature.While I have never met a mean Pit Bull, I do believe that Dexter could kick some a** if he needed to. My heart is full of love for my precious rescue! To anyone who is unsure of adopting, your fears, while understandable, are usually irrational. Your heart and intuition will lead you to your best furry friend. Rescuing an animal’s life is more important than having a thousand dollar purebred show dog. While that may be wonderful, there are animals all over the world in danger that need your compassion and open-mindedness to adoption.

My love!

Thanks for stopping by! Talk to you soon!


Brookie Teagan

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